Welcome to Mabstac, LLC | Anything Accounting

  • Call us: (703) 828-2336
  • Mail US : info@mabstac.com
  • ADD US : Mabstac, LLC
  • Call us: (703) 828-2336
  • Mail US : info@mabstac.com
  • ADD US : Mabstac, LLC
  • 700 12th Street NW, Suite 700,
    Washington, DC 20005, USA

  • Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 5:00 pm
    Sat. & Sun. Closed

Plan sponsors and third-party administrators in their fiduciary role invest and administrate employee benefits for capital appreciation with high concerns for safety of invested funds and compliance with laws and regulations. Also, as health care laws change, sponsors are faced with how to effectively manage increasing costs to all parties.

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